Keywords: Dear Sir / Madam,
Please kindly advise if there are any features through online personal banking that i can activate which allows the Bank to notify me via email or SMS when there are any 1) positive cash inflow transactions, and/or 2) my salary deposited to my transaction account from a certain employer/person(allows me to select 1 and/or more persons)
By default this feature would be turned off for various number of reasons, though customers could choose to turn it on and the method of notification.
I would think this feature would alleviate the anxiety of a specific customer demographic e.g. people living from paycheck to paycheck / in poverty.
One scenario might be that if people knows that they had received their paycheck earlier than the day they usually check their bank account ( not everyone checks their account everyday) (it may be targeted for people with low amount of savings in their account), they would spend more money at an earlier date than they otherwise would if they check their account a few days later.
If this feature could encourage spending at an earlier date, businesses would be able to profit from earlier consumer spending and that money would go back to repaying bank loans and a number of possible other benefits from this. (Inflation factor?)
It might not be worth the effort for building the infrastructure for SMS sending (cost factor), but what about setting up the infrastructure for sending emails (free?)
If you look at 1 customer that might spend their salary earlier for national economical purposes would be negligible, what are the possibilities out of the entire nation banking customer base that a single dollar per customer that spend into the economy a few days to a week (people check their accounts weekly? apart from people on fixed salary paid date, there maybe people that receive positive cash inflow into their accounts at unspecified dates) earlier?
It also cuts down on the phone calls / time spent interacting with employers or third parties on the exact day that their paycheck / sales would be in.
Would this feature be a platform for the Bank to provide exceptional customer service and differentiate herself from other competitors?
If this feature is available, and if the Bank agrees that this feature benefits customer, have there been sufficient efforts to inform customer about the availability of this feature?
From a short term management insight, the Bank would want the customer to hold the money in the bank as long as possible. From a long term management insight, if this feature creates a significant amount of money entering the economy of the nation at an earlier date than it would otherwise have not, what economical benefits does it have to the growth of the nation and the bank?
It would save a significant amount of time that was spent checking bank account which could be redirected to more productive tasks.
Im sorry for the poor english structure. I apologise if i offend anyone and please correct me if i am wrong.
Thank you for your time.
Have a wonderful day.
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