Keywords: German AEG C.IV crew in Palestine c1916.jpg The crew of a German AEG C IV of Flieger Abteilung 300 on the airfield at Huj 15 km north-east of Gaza The pilot is Gerhard Felmy <br>Felmy way born in 1891 in Berlin He enlisted in 1910 with an infantry regiment and retired on 2 August 1914 After spending almost five months at the Niederneundorf flying school he returned to active service on 27 January 1915 with the 51 Feldfliegerabteilung In September 1916 he was transferred to Palestine and joined the Flieger-Abteilung 300 This unit was commonly known as Jasta Felmy Jagstaffel Felmy as it was commanded by his brother Helmuth Felmy LOC-image ppmsca 13709 http //memory loc gov/master/pnp/ppmsca/13700/13709/00101u tif LC-DIG-ppmsca-13709-00101 ca 1916 American Colony Jerusalem Photo Dept photographers; Whiting John D John David 1882-1951 photographer; Larsson Lewis photographer; Matson G Eric GÀstgifvar Eric 1888-1977 photographer frame removed PD-USGov AEG C IV World War I forces of Germany in Egypt and Palestine Aviation in Ottoman Palestine Lewis Larsson Huj airport World War I in Palestine and the Sinai ppmsca 13709 |