Keywords: Genevieve-Clark-Bain.jpeg Genevieve Clark 1894 � c 1982 daughter of speaker of the house Champ Clark progenitor of the hairstyle Genevieve curl and in the 1940s a candidate for the House of Representatives for Louisiana MEDIUM 1 negative glass ; 5 × 7 in or smaller Title from unverified data provided by the Bain News Service on the negatives or caption cards Library of Congress Prints Photographs Division LC-DIG-ggbain-12880 digital file from original negative http //memory loc gov/master/pnp/ggbain/12800/12880u tif archival TIFF version 22 MB color level pick white and black input point auto adjust output cropped minor healing and converted to JPEG with the GIMP 2 6 1 image quality 88 between 1910 1915 Bain News Service Photographer unknown No known restrictions on publication LOC-image ggbain 12880 PD-Bain Female politicians of the United States Suffragettes Women on telephone calls 1910s portrait photographs People with grey background Candlestick telephones Female hair fashion Politicians of Louisiana |