Keywords: Gasshukoku suishi teitoku kōjōgaki (Oral statement by the American Navy admiral).png Assessments c 2009 1 1 Gasshukoku suishi teitoku kōjōgaki Oral statement by the American Navy admiral 1 1 24 Gasshukoku suishi teitoku kōjōgaki Oral statement by the American Navy admiral A Japanese print showing three men believed to be Commander Anan age 54; Perry age 49; and Captain Henry Adams age 59 who opened up Japan to the west The text being read may be President Fillmore's letter to Emperor of Japan This is a somewhat extensive restoration meant to keep focus on the artwork instead of the damage See also File Gasshukoku suishi teitoku kōjōgaki Oral statement by the American Navy admiral minimal restoration png Gasshukoku suishi teitoku kōjōgaki Déclaration orale par l'amiral de la marine américaine Estampe japonaise montrant trois hommes considérés comme étant les commandants Anan 54 ans ; Perry 49 ans ; et le capitaine Henry Adams 59 ans qui ont forcé le Japon à s'ouvrir à l'ouest Le texte lu est probablement la lettre du président Fillmore à l'empereur du Japon La restauration de cette estamps est assez importante permettant de se concentrer sur l'art plus que sur les dégâts subits par l'œuvre A comparer avec cette version à restauration minimale Vertrag von Kanagawa Commodore Matthew Perry Mitte und andere hochrangige US-Seeleute Japanischer Farbholzschnitt Xilografía japonesa con Perry al centro y otros altos oficiales de la marina de EE UU Amerikako Armadako almirantearen ahozko adierazpena 1854 ingurukoa Ezkerretik eskuinera Anan komandantea Perry komodoroa eta Henry Adams kapitaina Japonia Mendebaldeari ateak irekitzera behartu zuen ekitaldian חיתוך עץ יפני ש אנשי הצי האמריקאיי ופרי במרכז cph 3g10708 Library of Congress ca 1854 author The Library of Congress says No known restrictions on publication File Gasshukoku suishi teitoku kōjōgaki Oral statement by the American Navy admiral minimal restoration png - The most accurate version to how it looks now - scanning errors corrected using a colourbox and the masking tape stuck to it edited out but none of the cleanup from this version File Gasshukoku suishi teitoku kōjōgaki Oral statement by the American Navy admiral unrestored png - Completely unrestored Should never be used anywhere as the colours as shown in the colour box the LOC included in the scan are obviously wrong Levels adjusted using LoC colourbox dirt and stains cloned out or selectively adjusted and cropped from LoC version PD-100 PD-Japan Ukiyo-e of historical figures and folk tales Matthew Perry naval officer 31 March Documents of Japan Featured pictures of Japan Perry Expedition 1853 Perry Expedition in art Woodblock prints of the Edo period Captain Henry Adams Yokohama-e Kurihama Yokosuka History of Yokosuka Featured pictures from the Library of Congress |