Keywords: Funerary slab Pomponius Terme.jpg Funerary slab of Pomponius twice archon of the Calcarenses synagogue with the representation of a menorah seven-branched candelabrum From the catacombs of the Via Monteverde Roma Dalle funéraire de Pomponius deux fois archonte de la synagogue des Calcarenses avec une menorah chandelier à sept branches Provenance catacombes de la via Monteverde Rome century 3 BC stone Institution Terme di Diocleziano Epigraphical Museum first floor object history credit line accession number own photo date 2006 Marie-Lan Nguyen artwork license PD-old-100 photo license other versions Menorah on Jewish gravestones Jewish inscriptions in Rome Roman-era Greek funerary inscriptions Ancient Greek inscriptions in Rome Ancient Roman inscriptions in the Museo delle Terme di Diocleziano 3rd-century inscriptions Jewish catacombs |