Keywords: Ford B2161 NLGRF photo contact sheet (1976-11-01)(Gerald Ford Library).jpg White House Photographic Office WHPO is housed at the Gerald R Ford Presidential Library a branch of the National Archives and Records Administration NARA <br/><br/> This file is a 200 dpi photo contact sheet having images from roll of film B2161 of the August 9 1974 - January 20 1977 Gerald R Ford White House Photographic Office Series A0001-A9999 and B0001-B2886 photographs <br/><br/> The date on the photo contact sheet is the date the roll of film was processed not necessarily the date the photographs were taken See table below for additional details 1976-11-01 Gerald R Ford Presidential Library Image http //www fordlibrarymuseum gov/library/whphotos/B2161_NLGRF jpg B2161_NLGRF jpg from http //www fordlibrarymuseum gov/library/whphotos/19761101whpo pdf White House Photographs November 1 1976 of the http //www fordlibrarymuseum gov/Library/whphotos/whpo asp White House Photographic Collection page White House Photographic Office WHPO - Schumacher PD-USGov Institution Institution Gerald R Ford Presidential Library Table wikitable sortable + Photo contact sheet B2161 U S President Ford Administration Gerald R Ford Library Frame s Tone Subject proper Subject generic Names Geographic Location Photographer Date - 4A Color Gerald R Ford Health Physical Education Center -Grand Rapids Junior College standing on stage applauding Betty Ford Others Grand Rapids MI Grand Rapids Junior College - Gerald R Ford Health Physical Education Center Schumacher 1976-11-01 - 5A-7A Color Campaign Trip to Michigan - Rally at Gerald R Ford Health Physical Education Center -Grand Rapids Junior College GRF standing waving smiling at lectern; others standing applauding in 1st frame seated in last 2 frames; all not in every frame GRF Others Grand Rapids MI Grand Rapids Junior College - Gerald R Ford Health Physical Education Center Schumacher 1976-11-01 - 8A Color Campaign Trip to Michigan - Rally at Gerald R Ford Health Physical Education Center -Grand Rapids Junior College seated heads bowed for invocation Betty Ford Others Grand Rapids MI Grand Rapids Junior College - Gerald R Ford Health Physical Education Center Schumacher 1976-11-01 - 9A-10A Color Campaign Trip to Michigan - Rally at Gerald R Ford Health Physical Education Center - Grand Rapids Junior College standing on stage holding Ford Club 1 sweat suits and shirts in Red and Yellow Betty Ford Student Grand Rapids MI Grand Rapids Junior College - Gerald R Ford Health Physical Education Center Schumacher 1976-11-01 - 11A-12A Color Campaign Trip to Michigan - Rally at Gerald R Ford Health Physical Education Center -Grand Rapids Junior College standing on stage holding Ford Club 1 sweat suits and shirts in Red and Yellow GRF Betty Ford Students Grand Rapids MI Grand Rapids Junior College - Gerald R Ford Health Physical Education Center Schumacher 1976-11-01 - 13A-15A Color Campaign Trip to Michigan - Rally at Gerald R Ford Health Physical Education Center - Grand Rapids Junior College standing on stage presentation of a framed portrait of GRF; all not in every frame GRF Betty Ford Others Grand Rapids MI Grand Rapids Junior College - Gerald R Ford Health Physical Education Center Schumacher 1976-11-01 - 16A Color Campaign Trip to Michigan - Rally at Gerald R Ford Health Physical Education Center -Grand Rapids Junior College standing on stage looking to left GRF Others Grand Rapids MI Grand Rapids Junior College - Gerald R Ford Health Physical Education Center Schumacher 1976-11-01 - 17A-18A Color Campaign Trip to Michigan - Rally at Gerald R Ford Health Physical Education Center -Grand Rapids Junior College exiting stage walking down steps to main floor; all not in both frames GRF Kieser Secret Service Others Grand Rapids MI Grand Rapids Junior College - Gerald R Ford Health Physical Education Center Schumacher 1976-11-01 - 19A-31A Color Campaign Trip to Michigan - Arrival at the Pantlind Hotel greeting talking handshaking; various angles and distances; all not in every frame GRF Police Officers Others Youths Grand Rapids MI Pantlind Hotel Schumacher 1976-11-01 - 32A-33A Color Campaign Trip to Michigan - Arrival at the Pantlind Hotel standing posing GRF Hotel Bellhops Grand Rapids MI Pantlind Hotel Schumacher 1976-11-01 - 34A Color Campaign Trip to Michigan - Arrival at the Pantlind Hotel standing talking holding hands GRF Unidentified Woman Grand Rapids MI Pantlind Hotel Schumacher 1976-11-01 Gerald R Ford Presidential Library and Museum-cooperation PD-USGov Contact sheets by the Ford White House November 1976 |