Keywords: FMIB 48384 Map of Karabelnoye Rookery Copper Island by Leonhard Stejneger.jpeg check categories 19 September 2015 2 Map of Karabelnoye Rookery Copper Island by Leonhard Stejneger Subject Copper Island Russia --Maps Seals--Maps Geographic Subject Russia--Copper Island Tag Marine Mammals 1898 Cite book Russian Fur-Seal Islands Reports of Agents Officers and Persons Acting Under the Authority of the Secretary of the Treasury in Relation to the Condition of Seal Life on the Rookeries of the Pribilof Islands and to Pelagic Sealing in Bering Sea and the North Pacific Ocean in the Years 1893-1895 Stejneger Leonard Washington DC Government Printing Office 1898 Plage XII Leonard Stejneger PD-UWASH-FMIB Institution University of Washington FMIB-source accession number 48384 Images from the Freshwater and Marine Image Bank to check Leonard Stejneger |