MAKE A MEME View Large Image Flag of the United Nations.png Flag of the United Nations Drapeau des Nations Unies http //www sodipodi com/index php3 section clipart/flags Sodipodi org 1946 10017 Wilfried Huss Flag of the United Nations svg insignia Cc-pd Licensing ...
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Keywords: Flag of the United Nations.png Flag of the United Nations Drapeau des Nations Unies http //www sodipodi com/index php3 section clipart/flags Sodipodi org 1946 10017 Wilfried Huss Flag of the United Nations svg insignia Cc-pd Licensing information by the UN Although the UN flag may be freely displayed to demonstrate support for the UN and its work use of the UN emblem name or initials for commercial purposes is restricted by General Assembly resolution 92 I adopted in 1946 In this resolution the Assembly decided that to prevent the misuse of the UN seal and emblem it could not be used without the authorization of the Secretary-General Anyone wishing to use the UN emblem should submit an official request in writing to the Executive Secretary United Nations Publications Board Department of Public Information United Nations New York NY 10017 USA http //www un org/geninfo/faq/factsheets/FS4 HTM User Duesentrieb/Image Stamp United Nations flags and insignia
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