MAKE A MEME View Large Image FamHis077.png en A historiated letter M featuring a bottle of wine a goblet a roast capon and a medieval glass window surrounded by ornaments text dividers and an image of Goodman Stumpe the Tooth-drawer and the woman of the house at the ...
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Keywords: FamHis077.png en A historiated letter M featuring a bottle of wine a goblet a roast capon and a medieval glass window surrounded by ornaments text dividers and an image of Goodman Stumpe the Tooth-drawer and the woman of the house at the moment they hear her husband coming home <br><br> She kindly thanked him and presently did as he bad her they were not scarce set at the table but her husband returning backe knockt at the doore The woman hearing this was amazed p 78 1904 https //archive org/details/famoushistoirieo00thom Early English Prose Romances III Fryer Bacon Edinburgh Otto Schulz Co https //archive org/stream/famoushistoirieo00thom page/n76/mode/2up p 77 a reprinting of William Thoms's 1828 edition of an English prose romance available in manuscript by 1555 and first printed in 1627 Anonymous William Thoms editor other versions <gallery> File FamHis077initM png Cropped initial M File FamHis077pic png Cropped picture </gallery> PD-1996 PD-1923 PD-EU-no author disclosure LlywelynII The Famous Historie of Fryer Bacon Harold Nelson Historiated initials Decorative letters Chickens in art Wine in art Windows in art Cups in art M as an initial Dentists in art Leaves in art Vines Corsets in art Wives in art Adultery Hats in art Flagons Doors in art Fat people in art Middle aged Walls in art Dresses in art Tunics Tricorne hats in art Belts in art
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