Keywords: Extensive form of Stay Firm or Give In.svg The extensive form representation of Stay Firm or Give In a two-player non-zero-sum game I made up and am interested in studying Two players take turns either staying firm s or giving in g If one player gives in the other player gets one more turn; if the other player stays firm the payoff is +5 for the player who stood firm and -5 for the player who gave in but if both players give in the payoff is +10 for both players If neither player gives in the game ends after N turns with a payoff of 0 0 in the diagram N 4 This version differs from the previous one in each actions has a different label in the previous version all instances of give in were labelled the same as were all instances of stay firm Own 2008-04-01 Benja Public Domain Image Two-round Stay Firm or Give In svg Game theory Tree diagrams |