MAKE A MEME View Large Image Evolution of Earth's radiogenic heat.svg en Earth's radiogenic heat fluxes over time Reference Arevalo Jr R McDonough W F Luong M 2009 The K/U ratio of the silicate Earth Insights into mantle composition structure and thermal evolution http ...
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Keywords: Evolution of Earth's radiogenic heat.svg en Earth's radiogenic heat fluxes over time Reference Arevalo Jr R McDonough W F Luong M 2009 The K/U ratio of the silicate Earth Insights into mantle composition structure and thermal evolution http //dx doi org/10 1016/j epsl 2008 12 023 Earth and Planetary Science Letters 278 3 361 �369 2016-07-24 Created SVG from scratch using the image File Evolution of Earth's radiogenic heat jpg that was created by Bkilli1 as a reference Offnfopt other versions other fields O v PD-user Offnfopt cc-zero Plate tectonics Earth's internal heat budget
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