Keywords: Erythrina-x-sykesii-tree.jpg Erythrina ×sykesii Coral tree in flower Waitangi Treaty Grounds Bay of Islands New Zealand 15 May 2008 photograph by author 2006-10-06 Kahuroa Own work no rights retained all rights released Weed status Adventive - Not Yet Classified Structural Class Dicotyledonous Trees Shrubs Scientific name Erythrina x sykesii Family Fabaceae Common Name coral tree Approx year naturalised in New Zealand 1986 Areas of Origin Australia parents from N America and Africa Reason for introduction Ornamental Habitat Terrestrial Features Deciduous tree up to 12- 18 m high; trunks with stout prickles; twigs round smooth clothed in short hairs when young but becoming glabrous armed with prickles; prickles stout-based scattered 5-10 mm long Leaves densely clothed with short medifixed hairs when young becoming +/- glabrous; leaflets broadly ovatre to deltoid +/- acuminate obtuse to truncate at base entire 7 -10-20 cm long; lateral leaflets somewhat smaller than terminal; stipules lanceolate 5-10 mm long caducous; stipels c 1 mm long Inflorescences axillary clustered at tips of branches clothed in brown medifixed hairs when young; flowers numerous shortly pedicellate subtended by caducous bracteoles Calyx spathe-like bilbiate or irregularly shallowly toothed Standard scarlet c 50-60 mm long wings and keel c 1/2 length of standard orange to pale orange; filaments mauve Pods not formed Webb et al 1988 Similar species Can be distinguished from E crista-galli by the axillary inflorescences clothed in brown hairs the keel roughly 1/2 the length of the standard and the leaves broadly ovate to deltoid hairy when young Flowering time in New Zealand August September October Fruiting time Comments on Lifecycle Perennial Reproduction Cuttings and dropped branches take root easily Seed Not seen as this is a sterile hybrid Likely parents are Erythrina coralloides and Erythrina lysistemon Kahuroa Files by User Kahuroa Erythrina ×sykesii |