Keywords: Eggs of North American birds (Page 15) (6237618286).jpg EGGS OF NOltrn AMERICAN BIRDS 15 <br> 93 Black- VENTED Shearwater Puffinus gavia Eggs <br> unknown Occurs iu the Pacific Ocean and on the coast of <br> Lower California <br> 94 Sooty Shearwater Pvffinus stricJdandi Eggs un- <br> known Occurs in the North Atlantic southward on the <br> American coast to South Carolina <br> 95 Dark-bodied Shearwater Pvffinus grisms Eggs 1 <br> wliite; 2 00 + 2 35 to 2 10 + 2 40 Occurs in the South Pa <br> cific northward to the coast of Lower California <br> 96 Slender-billed Shearwater Puffinus tenuirostris <br> Eggs unknown Occurs in the North Pacific on the Ameri- <br> can coast from Sitka to Kotzebue Sound <br> 97 Black-tailed Shearwater Pvffi nus cmereus Eggs <br> unknown Occurs in the South Pacific ; accidental off the coast <br> of California <br> 98 Black-capped Petrel strelata hasitata Eggs un- <br> known Occurs in the warmer parts of the Atlantic Ocean ; <br> accidental in Florida Long Island England and France <br> 99 Peale's Petrel strelata gularis Eggs unknown <br> Occurs in the Antarctic Ocean <br> 99a Scaled Petrel strelata scalaris Eggs unknown <br> A single specimen of this new species was taken in the interior <br> of New York State Described by Mr William Brewster in <br> the Auk July 1886 <br> 100 Fisher's Petrel strelata Jisheri Eggs unknown <br> Occurs on the coast of Alaska <br> 101 Bulwer's Petrel Pulweria hidweri Eggs white <br> oblong oval; 1 17 -f- 1 59 to 1 20 -f- 1 76; placed in burrows <br> Occurs in the Eastern Atlantic ; accidental in Greenland <br> 102 Pintado Petrel Daption capensis Eggs unknown <br> Occurs in the Southern Hemisphere northward to about lati- <br> tude 25 ; accidental on the coast of California and England <br> 103 Least Petrel Halocyptena microsoma Eggs un- <br> known Occurs on the coast of Lower California 13764130 48899 13894 Page 15 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/13764130 1890 10 5962/bhl title 13894 Maynard C J NameFound Daption capensis NameConfirmed Daption capensis NameBankID 270384 NameFound Halocyptena microsoma NameConfirmed Halocyptena microsoma EOLID 10984507 NameBankID 3855006 NameFound Pintado NameConfirmed Pintado NameBankID 4297859 NameFound Puffinus gavia NameConfirmed Puffinus gavia EOLID 1049465 NameBankID 3851965 NameFound Puffinus tenuirostris NameConfirmed Puffinus tenuirostris EOLID 1047365 NameBankID 3851959 NameFound Pulweria hidweri NameFound Pvffinus grisms NameConfirmed Puffinus griseus Gmelin 1789 EOLID 1047364 NameBankID 5990446 Biodiversity Heritage Library ABC of fox hunting Birds Eggs Nests North America SIL Smithsonian Institution Libraries bhl page 13764130 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/13764130 north america sil smithsonian institution libraries Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2011-10-12 Check categories 2015 September 22 PD-old-70-1923 Eggs of North American birds Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script Files from the Biodiversity Heritage Library released as Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike |