Keywords: Dyson rings donut.PNG Dyson sphere Dyson ring Niven ring Dyson swarm in DONUT version folding combo self-made Donut idea from http //www burtleburtle net/bob/scifi/dyson html 2007-08-12 Arnero <pre> //Povray version 3 1; global_settings assumed_gamma 2 2 include colors inc include shapes inc global_settings assumed_gamma 2 0 camera location <0 0 -4> direction <0 0 1 5> up <0 1 0> right < 4/3 0 0 > light_source <800 300 -1000> color Red 1 2 light_source <-800 300 -1000> color Green 1 2 light_source <0 -900 -1000> color Blue 1 2 //sphere <0 0 0> 1 pigment White //Ellipse declare a 1 0; declare b 0 998; //0 declare e sqrt a a-b b ; declare g 3000; //granularity < 10000 due to SDL speed limit // macros can have parameters and are useful for 'programming' scenes macro imper p declare ox cos p a+e; declare oy sin p b; declare dx -sin p a; declare dy cos p b; declare l l-dx oy+dy ox; declare n sqrt dx dx+dy dy ; end //Calculate whole area under ellipse with the same round off errors as in the second loop declare l 0; declare j 0; while j < g declare p j/g 2 pi; imper p declare j j+1; end declare li l; //store declare g2 200; declare la arrayg2; declare lc 0; declare lt li/2/g2; declare l 0; declare j 0; while j < g declare lo l; declare p j/g 2 pi; imper p //Orbit while l>lt //Das trifft wegen > und nicht > nicht vor imper auf declare p l-lt / l-lo j-0 5 + lt-lo / l-lo j+0 5 /g 2 pi; declare lalc p; declare lc lc+1; / sphere <cos p a+e sin p b 0> // NOTE <0 0 0> <1 0 0> <2 0 0> etc 0 1 pigment White / declare lt lt+li/g2; end declare j j+1; // increment our counter end declare widt0 2 pi/g2 1 08; //17 //Last factor is hack Is 1 for circular orbit declare hohe 0 02; //7; declare band union declare j 0; while j < lc declare p laj; imper p declare widt 0;//sqrt widt0 widt0-n n /n 0 1; / //Orbit sphere <ox oy 0> // NOTE <0 0 0> <1 0 0> <2 0 0> etc 0 01 // pigment White / declare j j+1; // increment our counter declare p laj; declare oox ox; declare ooy oy; imper p declare widt sqrt widt0 widt0-pow oox-ox 2 -pow ooy-oy 2 ; declare ox ox-dy widt; declare oy oy+dx widt; / //Sputnik sphere <ox oy 0> // NOTE <0 0 0> <1 0 0> <2 0 0> etc 0 01 // pigment White cylinder <oox ooy 0> <ox oy 0> // NOTE <0 0 0> <1 0 0> <2 0 0> etc 0 01 // pigment White / Quad <ox oy hohe> <oox ooy hohe> <oox ooy -hohe> <ox oy -hohe> declare j j+1; // increment our counter declare oox ox; declare ooy oy; declare p lamod j lc ; imper p / cylinder <oox ooy 0> <ox oy 0> // NOTE <0 0 0> <1 0 0> <2 0 0> etc 0 01 // pigment White / Quad <ox oy hohe> <oox ooy hohe> <oox ooy -hohe> <ox oy -hohe> end declare donut union declare k 0; while k<20 object band rotate <11 0 k/20 360> // pigment White //20 declare k k+1; end / object donut rotate <0 30 0> / / individual panels union Quad <1 -1 0> <-1 -1 0> <-1 1 0> <1 1 0> pigment White / //stars declare R1 seed 0 ; // initialize random number streams declare R2 seed 12345 ; // Create 10 balls along X axis from 0 to 9 declare BallCount 0; while BallCount < 1000 sphere < rand R1 -0 5 15 rand R1 -0 5 12 13> rand R2 /40 declare re00 < rand R1 rand R1 rand R1 >; pigment color rgb re00/max re00 x re00 y re00 z finish diffuse 0 ambient 1 4 declare BallCount BallCount+1; // increment our counter end light_source <0 0 -0> color White 1 4 looks_like sphere 0 0 1 pigment White 10 / replace declare Dyson_Ring difference sphere <0 0 0> // center of sphere <X Y Z> 1 0 // radius of sphere cylinder -1 1 z +1 1 z 0 988 declare k 0; while k < 180 box <-0 005 -1 1 -1 1> <0 005 1 1 1 1> rotate <0 0 k> // <dX dY dZ> in degrees declare k k+10; // increment our counter end bounded_by sphere 0 1 01 / declare radi 1 3; //superfluos declare sca -0 09; union object donut pigment White rotate <52 6625 0 0> scale radi exp sca 0 object donut pigment White rotate <52 6625 -72 0> scale radi exp sca 1 object donut pigment White rotate <52 6625 -144 0> scale radi exp sca 2 object donut pigment White rotate <52 6625 -216 0> scale radi exp sca 3 object donut pigment White rotate <52 6625 -288 0> scale radi exp sca 4 object donut pigment White rotate <10 8125 0 0> scale radi exp sca 5 object donut pigment White rotate <10 8125 -72 0> scale radi exp sca 6 object donut pigment White rotate <10 8125 -144 0> scale radi exp sca 7 object donut pigment White rotate <10 8125 -216 0> scale radi exp sca 8 object donut pigment White rotate <10 8125 -288 0> scale radi exp sca 9 rotate <25 0 0> </pre> Freeman Dyson Space colonization Planetary systems Created with Persistence of Vision |