Keywords: Distribution of Cortinarius glaucopus.svg en Distribution of Cortinarius glaucopus in Europe de Verbreitung des Knollenlosn Klumpfußs in Europa References cite web http //www artsobservasjoner no/vekster/ Rapporteringssystem for vekster Cortinarius glaucopus artsobservasjoner no 10 October 2015 cite web http //www basidiochecklist info/DisplayResults asp intGBNum 5915 Basidiomycota Checklist-Online - Cortinarius glaucopus basidiochecklist info 10 October 2015 cite journal Cvetomir M Denchev Boris Assyov Checklist of the larger basidiomycetes in Bulgaria Mycotaxon 111 2010 279 “282 0093-4666 http //www mycotaxon com/resources/checklists/denchev-v111-checklist pdf pdf cite web http //www species be/en/33055 Belgian List 2012 - Cortinarius glaucopus 10 October 2015 Englisch cite journal Armin Mesic Zdenko Tkalcec Preliminary checklist of Agaricales from Croatia II Families Agaricaceae Amanitaceae Cortinariaceae and Hygrophoraceae Mycotaxon Vol 83 2002 453-502 http //www cybertruffle org uk/cyberliber/59575/0083/0453 htm cybertruffle org uk Cortinarius glaucopus http //elurikkus ut ee/kirjeldus php lang est id 141949 elurikkus ut ee 10 October 2015 Englisch cite web http //data gbif org/search/Cortinarius 20glaucopus Worldwide distribution of Cortinarius glaucopus GBIF Portal / data gbif org 10 October 2015 cite journal D M Dimou G I Zervakis E Polemis Mycodiversity studies in selected ecosystems of Greece IV Macrofungi from Abies cephalonica forests and other intermixed tree species Oxya Mt central Greece Mycotaxon Vol 104 2008 39 “42 http //www mycotaxon com/resources/checklists/dimou-v104-checklist pdf pdf cite web http //www grzyby pl/grzyby-makroskopijne-Polski-w-literaturze-mikologicznej-gatunki htm Cortinarius glaucopus grzyby pl 10 October 2015 cite journal Jean-Pierre Prongué Rudolf Wiederin Brigitte Wolf Die Pilze des Fürstentums Liechtenstein Naturkundliche Forschung im Fürstentum Liechtenstein Vol 21 2004 10 October 2015 http //www llv li/pdf-llv-awnl-pilze pdf pdf German cite journal S Petkovski National Catalogue Check List of Species of the Republic of Macedonia Acta Botanica Croatica 71 2 2009 10 October 2015 http //wayback archive org/web/20100215141145/http //www protectedareas mk/Matka/files/Final 20Report 20on 20National 20Catalogue pdf pdf cite web http //www nahuby sk/atlas-hub/Cortinarius-glaucopus/pavucinovec-premenlivy/pavucinec-sivonohy/ID374 Nahuby sk - Atlas húb - Cortinarius glaucopus nahuby sk 10 October 2015 cite web https //data nbn org uk/Taxa/NBNSYS0000037533 Grid map of Cortinarius glaucopus NBN Gateway / data nbn org uk 10 October 2015 Englisch cite web http //www nhm2 uio no/botanisk/cgi-bin/nxd pl v 4SNE gen Cortinarius+ sp glaucopus iep redRE x redCR x redEN x redVU x redNT x redDD x redO x co ALL mu loc eco leg aft bef und Y from to edit ind DEF f L Cortinarius glaucopus / Norwegian Mycology Database nhm2 uio no / Norwegian Mycology Database 10 October 2015 Englisch cite web http //www pilzoek de/pilze php Cortinarius glaucopus in the Pilzoek-Database 10 October 2015 German cite web http //www verspreidingsatlas nl/0030190 NMV Verspreidingsatlas online Cortinarius glaucopus verspreidingsatlas nl 10 October 2015 cite web Swiss Federal Institute for Forest Snow and Landscape Research WSL Distribution maps in the Swissfungi database http //www wsl ch/dienstleistungen/inventare/pilze_flechten/swissfungi/verbreitungsatlas/index_EN wsl ch 10 October 2015 Blank_Map_of_Europe_-w_boundaries svg modified Thkgk 2015-10-10 Cortinarius glaucopus Cc-zero |