Keywords: Dante Gabriel Rossetti - The Blessed Damozel - Study of two Lovers embracing - Google Art Project.jpg commons artist commons date commons medium commons dimensions commons institution Institution Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery commons location commons references commons object_history commons exhibition_history commons credit_line commons inscriptions commons notes commons accession_number commons source commons permission commons other_versions commons zoom core title The Blessed Damozel - Study of two Lovers embracing core date dateCreated 1875/1877 core format w242 x h323 mm core type Drawing core rights Birmingham Museums Trust core relation http //www preraphaelites org/the-collection/1904P345/the-blessed-damozel-study-of-two-lovers-embracing/ core format medium Pencil with a few lines of red chalk on buff paper art artist_birth_place London art artist_nationality British art artist_death_place Birchington-on-Sea art artist_date 1826-05-12/1882-04-09 c-03b9c20a creator artist Dante Gabriel Rossetti c-03b9c20a customtext medium_source Birmingham Museums Trust c-03b9c20a customtext medium_extent Complete google display_date 1875/1877 google is_artproject TRUE google is_gigapixel FALSE google is_secured TRUE google partner/id 0000000003b9c20a google picasa_token fGwz-cbf9N2PmYzTcKccFKR3dio special url_id hgHSVU3x0Otnvg google partner/name Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery special partner/name_no_lang Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery PD-old-100-1923 1882 Drawings by Dante Gabriel Rossetti Google Art Project works by Dante Gabriel Rossetti Hugging in art Drawings of kisses Drawings of couples in love Studies drawings Drawings in the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery |