Keywords: Conversation (Auguste Renoir) - Nationalmuseum - 19139.tif Artwork Creator Pierre-Auguste Renoir Conversation Conversation is an example of Renoir s Impressionistic painting from the 1870s The hands and faces of the figures are painted with thin parallel brushstrokes which give the effect of flickers of light The painting is also an example of the Impressionists reluctance to use black; instead the dark sections are painted in dark blue The man in the painting is Frédéric Cordey and artist who was at one point a student of Renoir s The woman has been identified as Marguerite Legrand one of Renoir s favourite models during the period 1875 1879 Konversation Àr ett exempel pÄ Renoirs impressionistiska mÄleri frÄn 1870-talet Figurernas hÀnder och ansikten Àr mÄlade med tunna parallella penseldrag som skapar en effekt av ljusflimmer MÄlningen Àr ocksÄ ett exempel pÄ impressionisternas ovilja att anvÀnda svart; de mörka partierna Àr i stÀllet mÄlade i mörkt blÄtt Mannen i mÄlningen Àr Frédéric Cordey en konstnÀr som under en period var elev till Renoir Kvinnan har identifierats som Marguerite Legrand en av Renoirs favoritmodeller under Ären 1875 1879 header Conversation is an example of Renoir s Impressionistic painting from the 1870s The hands and faces of the figures are painted with thin parallel brushstrokes which give the effect of flickers of light The painting is also an example of the Impressionists reluctance to use black; instead the dark sections are painted in dark blue The man in the painting is Frédéric Cordey and artist who was at one point a student of Renoir s The woman has been identified as Marguerite Legrand one of Renoir s favourite models during the period 1875 1879 Konversation Àr ett exempel pÄ Renoirs impressionistiska mÄleri frÄn 1870-talet Figurernas hÀnder och ansikten Àr mÄlade med tunna parallella penseldrag som skapar en effekt av ljusflimmer MÄlningen Àr ocksÄ ett exempel pÄ impressionisternas ovilja att anvÀnda svart; de mörka partierna Àr i stÀllet mÄlade i mörkt blÄtt Mannen i mÄlningen Àr Frédéric Cordey en konstnÀr som under en period var elev till Renoir Kvinnan har identifierats som Marguerite Legrand en av Renoirs favoritmodeller under Ären 1875 1879 date Oil on canvas Olja pÄ duk Size cm 38 45 Framed Size cm 61 5 67 7 5 Institution Nationalmuseum Stockholm Signerad Renoir accession number 19139 NM 2079 place of creation Erik Cornelius / Nationalmuseum Nationalmuseum Stockholm cooperation project Licensed-PD-Art PD-old-auto PD-Nationalmuseum_Stockholm 1919 Media contributed by Nationalmuseum Stockholm 2016-10 Paintings in the Nationalmuseum Stockholm Pierre-Auguste Renoir |