Keywords: Complex arcsin abs 01 Pengo.svg abs arcsin z own 2010-09-14 Pengo sin<sup>-1</sup> z <gallery> File Complex_arcsin_abs_01_Pengo svg abs File Complex_arcsin_real_01_Pengo svg real File Complex_arcsin_imag_01_Pengo svg imag File Complex_arcsin_angle_01_Pengo svg angle </gallery> see also File Complex sin abs 01 Pengo svg Source code Based on File Complex sine svg by Dave Farrance Created with Matplotlib <source lang python > /usr/bin/env python This generates four graphs for arcsin z Original Peter Halasz 2010-09-14 Enhanced Ika 2013-07-23 import numpy as np from pylab import from mpl_toolkits mplot3d import Axes3D graphs 'abs' abs 'real' real 'imag' imag 'angle' angle for gr in graphs ax Axes3D figure azim -135 elev 45 X arange -2 pi 2 pi pi/12 Y arange -4 4 2 X Y meshgrid X Y fn graphsgr Z fn arcsin X + Y 1j abs real imag angle angle range -pi pi ax plot_surface X Y Z rstride 1 cstride 1 cmap cm jet ax contour X Y Z zdir 'z' offset np min Z ax set_xlabel x ax set_ylabel y ax set_zlabel gr + ' sin x+iy ' plt savefig complex_arcsin_ + gr + _01_Pengo svg </source> Sine function Images with Python source code |