Keywords: Coat of arms of United Arab Republic (Syria 1958-61, Egypt 1958-1971).svg Coat of arms of the United Arab Republic Egypt and Syria 1958-1961 Egypt 1958-1971 -- standard pan-Arab Eagle of Saladin with shield of the tricolor of national flag holding a scroll with the words al-Jumhuriya al-`Arabiya al-Muttaħida symbol found in The International Flag Book in Color by Christian Fogd Pedersen 1971 etc This image based on Image COA of Iraq 1965 svg Original by User Tonyjeff based on national symbol with the help of User Omar86 User Kafka1 and User AnonMoos Modified by User R-41 for 1965 Iraqi COA further modified by User AnonMoos Insignia v United Arab Republic Historical coats of arms of Egypt SVG coats of arms of Egypt Historical coats of arms of Syria Eagle of Saladin 2 five rays vert in heraldry 1958 in Egypt Egyptian United Arab Republic referendum 1958 |