Keywords: Coat of arms of the Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina.png Državni grb Narodne republike Bosne i Hercegovine 1946-1963 i grb Socijalističke republike Bosne i Hercegovine 1963-1992 original Državni grb Narodne Republike Bosne i Hercegovine 1946-1963 i grb Socijalističke Republike Bosne i Hercegovine 1963-1992 izvornik State coat of arms of the People's Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina 1946-1963 and the Coat of arms of the Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina 1963-1992 first master orriginal Zemaljsko antifašističko vijeće narodnog oslobođenja Bosne i Hercegovine i kasnija Narodna skupština Narodne republike Bosne i Hercegovine proklamovala je 31 decembra 1946 Ustav NR BiH u kome se po prvi put spominje Državni grb NR BiH Grb nije promijenjen ni u Socijalističkoj republici Bosni i Hercegovini Vidi http //www institutgenocida com/dokumenti/SRBiH/Amandmani_na_Ustav_SRBiH_1 pdf Službeni list SR BiH br 21/90 utorak 31 jula 1990 Article 6ter CD 2005 Fifth edition World Intellectual Property Organization Geneva ISBN 978-92-805-0977-9 Contains data up to 2004-12-31 ------------- 1966 Grbovi zastave odlikovanja i drugi zvanični znaci Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije Armoiries drapeaux distinctions honorifiques et autres signes officiels de la République Socialiste Federative de Yougoslavie Uprava za patente Office des brevets Belgrade Ross Woodley <small> per procurationem </small> Georg Hendrik Christiaan Bodenhausen 1967-07-11 Bureaux Internationaux Réunis pour la Protection de la Propriété Intellectuelle BIRPI http //www wipo int/ipdl/IPDL-IMAGES/SIXTERXML-IMAGES/pdf/en/e0667 pdf Official Circular 667 addressed to the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia from Geneva 1946-12-31 / 2010-01-08 Unknown possibly Hasan Brkić Ismet Mujezinović and Vojo Dimitrijević PD-BH-exempt Correct coloured Coat of arms of both the People's Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina Important note Coat_of_Arms Coats of arms of the Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina Black and white drawings |