Keywords: monikercoze monikerce1 monikercoze1 monikercoz monikercozeone monikerce bayareagraffiti graff san francisco sanfrancisco terry cozy terrycozy graffitivandalterrycozy public domain publicdomain Photo: Government records, public domain City and County of San Francisco took on a graffiti vandal Ms. Terry Cozy (23 years old at the time) in January 2016 and obtained a judgment against her for approximately $217,000. She vandalized a police car about two months later The graffiti vandal involved is undeterred as of last press coverage, but this is a landmark graffiti case. A civil judgment gives them the right to the awarded amount + interest for decades enabling them put a lien on her future home, garnish future paychecks before they get into her hands as well as major lottery winning even though that is extremely unlikely. Photo: Government records, public domain City and County of San Francisco took on a graffiti vandal Ms. Terry Cozy (23 years old at the time) in January 2016 and obtained a judgment against her for approximately $217,000. She vandalized a police car about two months later The graffiti vandal involved is undeterred as of last press coverage, but this is a landmark graffiti case. A civil judgment gives them the right to the awarded amount + interest for decades enabling them put a lien on her future home, garnish future paychecks before they get into her hands as well as major lottery winning even though that is extremely unlikely. |