MAKE A MEME View Large Image China-Illustrata-Winged-turtles-of-Henan.png en The winged turtles of Henan There is no caption under the picture but a text on the preceding page p 204 refers to Michael Boym's account in Flora Sinensis Chinese Flora about turtles with ...
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Keywords: China-Illustrata-Winged-turtles-of-Henan.png en The winged turtles of Henan There is no caption under the picture but a text on the preceding page p 204 refers to Michael Boym's account in Flora Sinensis Chinese Flora about turtles with green wings attached to their legs which appears to be Boym's misinterpretation of the concept of green-haired turtles 绿毛龟 i e turtles with algae growing on them Kircher has this to say on this matter The Chinese Flora says that in the kingdom of Honan are found turtles which are green or blue and that there are also some with wings on their feet who in this way they compensate for the slow progress they can make on foot I however could not easily believe that these swimming creatures have wings for it seems to violate the primary nature of a turtle Rather turtles give off a sticky liquid around their feet as the drawing shows and in time this becomes cartilaginous and resembles a limb which flaps around as they move This is not used for flying so when the matter is examined it turns out to be different than is commonly believed These are the facts about the rarer animals found in China and we cannot cease to marvel at and praise God �s admirable arrangements and His wisdom in all things P 207 in the modern http //hotgates stanford edu/Eyes/library/kircher pdf English translation by Dr Charles D Van Tuyl An http //digicoll library wisc edu/cgi-bin/DLDecArts/DLDecArts-idx type turn entity DLDecArts Nieuhof p0461 id DLDecArts Nieuhof isize M early 1673 English translation of China Illustrata does not reproduce this picture but says this p 417 The Flora Sinensis says That there are found Tortoises in the Kingdom of Honan some green and some blue; there are also others that to mend their Pace have Wings added to their Feet ru К� ылатые че� епахи из Хэнани Flora Sinensis text images and French translation are http //webapps fundp ac be/moretus/flora_sinensis/index_flora_sinensis html available online ; Kircher re-tells the same account with more details China Illustrata p 205 Can be found e g at http //gallica bnf fr/ark /12148/btv1b20000389/f60 item An artist working for Athanasius Kircher - or maybe Kircher himself Published 1667 200px Boym's original picture of a green-winged turle in Flora Sinensis China Illustrata Turtles in art PD-old
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