Keywords: Cancer smoking lung cancer correlation from NIH-pt.svg Check categories 2013 June 12 pt Correlação entre tabagismo e câncer de pulmão em homens apresentando um período de 20 anos entre um aumento nas taxas de tabagismo e um aumento na incidência de câncer de pulmão en Correlation between smoking and lung cancer in US males showing a 20-year time lag between increased smoking rates and increased incidence of lung cancer 2012-06-22 Portuguese translation of an original work by Sakurambo Vectorized version of Image Cancer smoking lung cancer correlation from NIH png originally published on the nih gov website The source page has been deleted but an http //web archive org/web/20030217151857/http //press2 nci nih gov/sciencebehind/cancer/cancer31 htm archived copy is still accessible Vinicius Siqueira DrTrigonBot <span class signature-talk >talk</span> FileContentsByBot/ColorRegions FileContentsByBot/ColorRegions 0 897 0 043 PMS 11-4201 TPX Cloud Dancer Pantone 240 241 240 8 173 239 240 241 0 466 0 0 323 315 1 522 1 156 164 FileContentsByBot/ColorRegions 0 902 0 077 PMS 13-5309 TPX Pastel Turquoise Pantone 151 199 199 6 769 151 201 202 0 486 59 28 217 252 0 636 2 165 152 FileContentsByBot/ColorAverage 0 095 PMS 12-4607 TPX Pastel Blue Pantone 191 217 220 0 083 191 218 220 0 107 0 693 FileContentsByBot/Properties - 326 318 Valid SVG image/svg+xml 10020 - PD-USGov Categorized by DrTrigonBot Uploaded with UploadWizard Tobacco-related graphics SVG files on lung cancer statistics Graphics |