Keywords: Burbank cactus armored.jpg Armored Against lis Enemies The desert cactus shown in the accompanying direct color photograph print portrays a typical arrangement of armor although many forms of cactus are more heavily apined even than this In addition to the large bristling spines which fan out in every direction there are hidden behind each rosette a bundle of undeveloped spines numbering often as high as ten thousand to each eye When the outward spines are cut off these push their way forward with surprising rapidity to protect the gap in the armor Burbank Luther 1849-1926 / Luther Burbank his methods and discoveries and their practical application Volume I 1914 http //digicoll library wisc edu/cgi-bin/HistSciTech/HistSciTech-idx type turn entity HistSciTech Burbank01 p0016 id HistSciTech Burbank01 isize M q1 cactus Burbank Luther 1914 PD-old Luther Burbank |