Keywords: Bulbs and plants (16200770938).jpg FERTILIZERS <br> Currie's Soluble Food for House <br> Plants <br> A high grade fertilizer put up in small pack- <br> ages to suit the cultivator of house plants It is <br> clean safe to use and has no repulsive odor <br> House plants treated to a few applications of it <br> improve wonderfully in health and general ap- <br> pearance In packages with instructions for <br> use Each 15c and 25c; by mail 20c aud 35c <br> CURRIE'S COMPLETE FERTILIZER <br> For Lawns Hay and Pasture <br> A preparation which never fails to induce a <br> rapid and healthy growth to the lawn It is also <br> of great value as a fertilizer for root crops etc <br> lib 10c; 5 lbs 30c 10 lbs 50c; 25 lbs SI 25; 50 <br> lbs 2 00; 100 lbs S3 50 <br> PURE BONE MESL <br> Our Boue Meal is ground fine and is of great <br> value mixed with soil for potting purposes for <br> which one part of meal to 50 of soil is about the <br> right proportion It is invaluable for top dress- <br> ing lawns 5 lbs 25c; 10 lbs 40c 25 lbs 75c; 50 <br> lbs 1 25; 100 lbs 2 00; bag of 200 lbs 3 50 <br> PURE PULVERIZED SHEEP MANURE <br> Makes the richest and safest liquid manure <br> Use one pound to five gallons of water 10 lbs <br> 30c 25 lbs 60c; 100 lbs 2 00 <br> INSECTICIDES <br> If by mail add 16c per lb <br> Carbon Bisulphide � A most effective remedy <br> for ants in the lawn Saturate a small ball of <br> cotton and insert in the hill 1 lb tin each 35c <br> Gishurst's Compound � An excellent remedy <br> for Red Spider Mealy Bug and Scale on plants <br> Dissolve 2 ounces in a gallon of water and apply <br> either by sponging or spraying the plants Per <br> package 50c; by mail 60c <br> Fir Tree Oil � Like the preceding is a remedy <br> for Mealy Bug Red Spider and Scale Dilute Vi <br> pint to about 10 gallons of soft water and apply <br> with sprinkler Pint 75c; quart 1 10; gallon <br> 4 25 If by mail add 25c per pint <br> Slug Shot � Valuable for destroying slugs on <br> cabbages tomatoes currants etc and is also <br> very effective in removing potato bugs Apply <br> with duster 5 to 101b pkg 6c per lb ; 25 to 50 <br> lb pkg 5c per lb ; per 100 lbs 4 00 <br> Tobacco Dust � For insects on plants; apply <br> with duster Per lb 10c <br> Tobacco Stems � For fumigating greenhouses; <br> dampen before using so they will not burn up <br> brightlv and thereby destroy the plants Per lb <br> 3c; per barrel 1 00 <br> Whale Oil Soap � An excellent remedy for lice <br> on roses etc also a valuable wash for trees af- <br> fected by insects For insects on plants dissolve <br> about the size of a egg in a gallon of water and <br> sprinkle with it For insects in bark of trees <br> dilute with water to the consistency of paint and <br> apply with brush Per lb 15c; 2 lbs 25c; 10 lbs <br> 1 00 <br> POULTRY SUPPLIES <br> Mann's No <br> 1 Balance <br> Wheel <br> Green <br> Bone Cutter <br> Weight 55 lbs <br> Price 7 90 <br> Mounted o n <br> iron stand <br> weight SO lbs <br> Price 10 50 <br> Mann's No <br> 4 Balance <br> Wheel <br> Green <br> Bone Cutter <br> Bone Mills Wilson's No 1 <br> Weight 75 lbs <br> Price S12 00 <br> Mounted o n Mann s Xo 1 G reen Bone Cutter <br> iron stand <br> same as shown in cut price 15 00 <br> Mann's Clover Cutter <br> Price with legs 10 00 Price without legs 8 00 <br> Galvanized Poultry Netting <br> Put up in rolls of 150 lineal feet made of Xo 19 <br> Galvanized Wire 2-inch mesh We do not cut <br> the rolls <br> 12 in wide per 150 ft 80 <br> 18 in wide per 150 ft 1 15 <br> 24 in wide per 150 ft 1 50 <br> 30 in wide per 150 ft 1 90 <br> 36 in wide per 150 ft 2 2 i <br> 42 in wide per 150 ft 2 65 <br> 48 in wide per 150 ft 3 00 <br> 54 in wide per 150 ft 3 40 <br> 60 in wide per 150 ft 3 75 <br> 72 in wide per 150 ft 4 50 <br> Crushed Oyster Shells � 10 lbs 15c; 25 lbs <br> 25c; 50 lbs 45c; 100 lbs 75c 500 lbs 3 50 <br> Fresh Coarse Ground Bone � 10 lbs 30c 25 <br> lbs 60c 50 lbs 1 25 100 lbs 2; 200-lb bag S3 75 <br> Granite Poultry Grit � Sharp clean hard <br> Free from dust It is the sharpest and hardest <br> Grit known 10 lbs 20c; 2-5 lbs 35c; 50 lbs 50c <br> 100 lbs 85c <br> For grind- <br> ing dry bones <br> shells grain <br> and any other <br> substance for <br> poultry <br> Without iron <br> legs weight <br> 35 lbs price <br> 3 50 <br> Crown Green Bone Cutter <br> Has steel knives which can be taken out and <br> sharpened Weight 50 lbs Price 87 00 With <br> iron stand Price 8 00 <br> Humphrey Green Bone <br> and Vegetable Cutter- <br> Mounted on iron stand <br> isily worked Price <br> S12 00 <br> Grist Mill <br> For grinding cornmeal <br> graham Hour etc for <br> table use <br> Weight 30 lbs ; price <br> 3 50 <br> The <br> Sanitary <br> Pou Wry <br> Drinking <br> Fountain <br> The Sanitary Fountain <br> Made of galvanized <br> gallon size 50c; price <br> ron in two parts Price <br> 2 gallon size S5c <br> Wilbur's Poultry Food � Makes the hens lay <br> Keeps poultry healthy Is valuable for young <br> i-hicks One tablespoonful mixed with ground <br> feed and warm water is enough for six fowls <br> IVx lb box 25c; 5 lb box 50c <br> Sure Louse Killer � Kills lice nits and mites <br> quickly and effectually on Chickens Horses and <br> Cattle Package 25c- <br> anti-Louse � A disinfectant Insect Powder <br> Kills every species of parasite that preys on poul- <br> try or stock 1 lb package 25c; by mail 35c <br> Egg-O � A poultry regulator and egg-producer <br> Makes hens lay Package 25c; by mail 55c <br> TWENTIETH CENTURY PRESS PRINTERS MILWAUKEE 42214163 133055 65937 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42214163 1908 10 5962/bhl title 65937 Currie Brothers Company ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Biodiversity Heritage Library Currie Bros Co Bulbs and plants autumn 1901 Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Flowers Nurseries Horticulture Plants Ornamental Seeds U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42214163 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42214163 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants nurseries horticulture plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-28 Check categories 2015 August 24 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16200770938 2015-08-24 07 54 11 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Currie Bros catalogs Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |