Keywords: Bonifacio de' Pitati - The Holy Family with Tobias and the Angel, Saint Dorothy, Giovannino, and the Miracle of the Corn be... - Google Art Project.jpg Artist_Name_ Japanese ja ピターティ ニファーチョ・デ 称 ニファーチョ・ヴェロネーゼ Oil on canvas Object_title_ Japanese 聖家族 トビアスと大天使 聖ドロテアと幼い洗礼 聖ヨハネ F R West; Major G Cornwallis-West; sale Christie's London 11 May 1928 lot 63 as Paris Bordone 1200gns to Savile Galleries ; Anon Sale Christie's London 20 February 1981 lot 69 as Bonifacio de' Pitani; Anon Sale Christie's London 10 July 1987 lot 108 as attributed to Bonifatio de' Pitani; Anon Sale Christie's London 31 May 1991 lot 37; Private collection Japan special url_id awHSMnFICt6Uaw PD-old-100-1923 1553 Google Art Project works by Bonifazio de' Pitati The Holy Family with Tobias and the Angel Sts Dorothy and Infant John the Baptist by Bonifacio Veronese Tokyo |