Keywords: Avni Lifij-Fevzi Cakmak.jpg Fevzi Çakmak s 1920 http //www mkutup gov tr/tablolar/ornekler 8 National Library of Turkey Hüseyin Avni Lifij 1886-1927 PD-old-auto 1927 Original upload log page en wikipedia Avni_Lifij-Fevzi_Cakmak jpg 2006-12-05 16 39 Deliogul 390×543× 38918 bytes <nowiki>it is a portrait of fevzi çakmak by the painter avni lifij the portrait can be seen on the turkish ministry of culture's webpage http //www mkutup gov tr/tablolar/tablob7 html </nowiki> Fevzi Çakmak Hüseyin Avni Lifij Paintings of people of Turkey Turks in art |