Keywords: Autumn bulbs catalogue (16425947866).jpg 28 <br> PETER HEXDEKSOX CO NEW YORK ”MISCELLANEOUS BULBS <br> WKMOXE FULGKNS <br> A NK MONE FILGE SS DOUBLE <br> AIMp/yif pC Wind Flowers Hielily ornnmental spring and summer <br> ˘'» -« '» -' ' ~ L- 0 ioui-iiii;; iil ihts haviiij; both Kindle and double Hinvers the <br> colors if which are woiulerfully beautiful running through phadee of blue« scarlet <br> rose white lavender etc When grown in masses they are brllliaut in the extreme; if <br> the flowers are wanted in suiressicin from spring to fall ” the roots should be plante 1 <br> in pots or cold frames in the fall for e-priug lilooming ” and another lot In the same <br> way towards spring for summer ” and another lot in the open ground in May for <br> auttimn flowering -the latter planting should be in a partially shaded situation <br> where the ground is nioist They arc al -i i s ileTi lid tor Ot culture for flowenng in <br> the house or couservatorv during winter _____Z <br> DOTTBIiE CHBTSAITTHZntlUM TLOWERED Remarkable Delirered Free in U S <br> for their distinct and very hanilsonie large double rt nvers; the <br> petals of which are regularly incurved resembling an incurved jEacb Doz <br> rhrysanthemuni iilants very vigorous and tloriferous See fi;t <br> 100 <br> Glorie des IT antes Rich violet; flowers of great size <br> La Brilliante Hrilliant crimson very showy <br> Ponceau ilowing intense scarlet e xtra tine <br> Boslne Di-lii ate iieach pink suffused slightly «ith carmine <br> Bose de Nice Splendid bright rose fine for foning and cutting 15c <br> Etoile de Bretag e Soft lilac slightly flushed with pink 15c <br> 1 bnlb each of above 6 named vjirieties lOc ; H each Jl 50 <br> Mixed Colors Double Chrysanthemum flowered 10c <br> AKEMOUTS DOUBIO POPPY FI OWBBBJ Coronaria <br> ft fil 'riie flowers of the class are ver\ double and are sur- <br> rounded at the base with large guard petals resembling a double <br> Hollyhock For cutting iiurposes they are grand and we know of <br> no class of plants with more gorgeous colors Two or thire <br> colors usually being blended in the flowers of each variety Vpptuf <br> Ceres White veiled with rose - <br> Kin of Blues Lilac blue <br> Kingr of Scarlets Brilliant scarlet <br> Mad Boyale Scarlet with white edges <br> Eosette White with roje centre <br> Sir Bobert Peel Dark blue <br> 1 biilli - ˘I li of above I named varieties 40c ; 3 each 1 00 <br> Mixed Colors liouble Popjiy flowered Auemones <br> AKBMOITBS SINGIaB POPPY FZiOWEBEB CornnnriH <br> These handsome Single \neiiione8 have large bi'autiful saucer- <br> shaped io pA-Iike blossoms flowering continuously throughout <br> spring and earl\' summer Vee cut <br> The Bride ruie white <br> Amazone Salnion n-d <br> Brunette Dark scarlet <br> Constantijn Dark imrjile <br> La Charmant Itose ivd <br> Triton l ilac nid blue <br> 1 bulb each of above r named varieties 25c ; S each 60c <br> Mixed Varieties Single Poppy flowered Anemones <br> AITEMOirz FUXGEH'S The rich dnziling scariet flowers and <br> li ilit cicg -iiit gro\\tU renilerit the most attrac'tlveflowerof spring <br> 1 1 is V aliiable lor cutting as it lasts a long time i see CHf <br> Fulgens fl pi A double-flowering variety of the above very <br> iMaiitifiil See cut <br> ANEMONES <br> Hardy Varieties <br> subjects for pi <br> These an- heaiitlfnl <br> – nt situations when- <br> rli -\- soon lorni l -irge clumps of grca <br> iially shaded suits them to icrfii'lion <br> Apennina Iicautiful rich blue flow <br> l lccc elegantly cut foliage it blr oni <br> ilso beaiitifulgrown in pots ' foot <br> Blanda Tin- earliest ami largest-lloH <br> Aiiemont M blooming with iiowdro <br> from pun' while to lo'p blue '1 he ll <br> It Is a lov»'ly N'arlety and as hardy H <br> l 'irge clumps grows freely If potte <br> to Septembi-r anil housed afterward <br> may be had In flouer from No\eiiiber 1 <br> Pulsatilla i Tin' l' i i ij- rhnur i A <br> idaiitcd either for the rockuork or <br> purple rlothiil on the exterior with h <br> leruinaling nith a loDg silK tutt <br> t beauty a situalioii iar- <br> / 'e ii/ l HI VoVi';;i/i T I <br> rs as Ifirge as a tlfty-oent <br> 1 profusely In earl\' spring <br> I Vee cur I <br> ˘n-i of the spring-blotimlng <br> mill CrociiM -olors rxinge <br> iwers are I'v Imhi-s acniss <br> a rock It spn'ads II M-lf In <br> I at liiter\alM from August <br> s in the gniMihouse they <br> o February <br> iivtty and pleasing subjtvt <br> o en border; flowerx deep <br> – ng silky hiilrs lhecar H-lM <br> 15c 1 50f 10 00 <br> 15c 1 50 10 00 <br> 1 50 10 00 <br> 1 50 10 00 <br> 1 nO 10 00 <br> 1 50 lO OU <br> 1 00 7 50 <br> 15c <br> 15c <br> 7c <br> 7c <br> 7c <br> 7c <br> 8c <br> 5c <br> 5e <br> 5c <br> 5c <br> 5c <br> 5c <br> 3c <br> 4c <br> 5c <br> 8c <br> 75 <br> 75 <br> 75 <br> 75 <br> 75 <br> 75 <br> 25 <br> 50 <br> 50 <br> 60 <br> 50 <br> 5 00 <br> 5 00 <br> 5 0O <br> 5 00 <br> 6 00 <br> 5 00 <br> 3 00 <br> S OO <br> 3 00 <br> 8 00 <br> ou <br> 50 <br> 3 00 <br> 3 00 <br> 20 <br> 1 23 <br> 85 <br> L - 0 <br> 50 <br> « 00 <br> <br> 80 <br> 1 7 1 <br> 4c 40 3 00 <br> c 7 5 « 43899740 149965 78524 Page 28 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/43899740 1900 10 5962/bhl title 78524 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Peter Henderson Co NameFound Apennina NameFound Chrysanthemum NameConfirmed Chrysanthemum EOLID 38388 NameBankID 2657422 NameFound Coronaria NameConfirmed Coronaria NameBankID 3475352 NameFound Lilac NameConfirmed Lilac P Miller 1754 NameFound Pulsatilla NameConfirmed Pulsatilla P Mill EOLID 61482 Biodiversity Heritage Library Autumn bulbs catalogue 1900 Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Equipment and supplies Flowers Gardening Seeds Trade catalogues U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 43899740 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/43899740 Peter Henderson Co bhlGardenStories Anemones BHLinbloom bulbs plants u s department of agriculture national agricultural library peter henderson co bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-02-05 Check categories 2015 August 24 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16425947866 2015-08-24 23 52 07 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Autumn bulbs catalogue Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |