MAKE A MEME View Large Image Antonio da Monza (Italian, active about 1480 - 1505) - Decorated Initial P - Google Art Project.jpg 1480 1505 active about 1480 - 1505 6826187 Antonio da Monza Italian Italian 1480 - 1505 /collection/the-j-paul-getty-museum/artwork/...
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Keywords: Antonio da Monza (Italian, active about 1480 - 1505) - Decorated Initial P - Google Art Project.jpg 1480 1505 active about 1480 - 1505 6826187 Antonio da Monza Italian Italian 1480 - 1505 /collection/the-j-paul-getty-museum/artwork/decorated-initial-p-antonio-da-monza-italian-active-about-1480-1505/6905057/ Antonio da Monza Italian active about 1480 - 1505 illuminator /artist/antonio-da-monza/6789759/ 6789759 /collection/the-j-paul-getty-museum/ The J Paul Getty Museum 343005 http //www getty edu/museum 3/13/2012 12 09 14 AM /collection/the-j-paul-getty-museum/artwork/decorated-initial-p-antonio-da-monza-italian-active-about-1480-1505/6905057/ 1475 late 15th or early 16th century Tempera colors gold leaf and ink on parchment bound between original wood boards covered with brown leather 641 6905057 True 1525 3/25/2012 3 29 38 PM lido getty edu-gm-obj135010 http //www getty edu/art/gettyguide/artObjectDetails artobj 135010 http //www getty edu/legal/copyright html Folio 1470 1530 Rome Italy Creation w435 x h641 cm late 15th or early 16th century False 0 66015625 Part decorated-initial-p-antonio-da-monza-italian-active-about-1480-1505 Decorated Initial P d 435 Tempera colors gold leaf and ink on parchment bound between original wood boards covered with brown leather http //www getty edu/legal/copyright html special url_id jQH6LUV5Beq4tQ PD-old-100-1923 1505 Google Art Project works by Antonio da Monza Initials from illuminated manuscripts MS LUDWIG VI 3 Getty museum - Gradual by Antonio da Monza P as an initial
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