Keywords: Amazona.violacea.jpg Guadeloupe Amazon Amazona violacea Shown are three Guadeloupe Amazons above one Guadeloupe Macaw middle as well as several seabirds and a seaturtle artwork from 'Histoire generale des Antilles' by Jean Babtiste du Tertre from the year 1667 http //gallica bnf fr/ark /12148/bpt6k114021k/f273 item and http //gallica bnf fr/iiif/ark /12148/bpt6k114021k/f273/0 0 4961 3508/4961 /0/native jpg 1667 Jean Babtiste du Tertre PD-old-100-1923 Amazona violaceus Extinct Psittacidae Extinct birds illustrated while extant Ara guadeloupensis Files from Gallica |