Keywords: AircraftRegistrationPrefixes-Europe.svg en International Radiostations Callsign Prefixlist used e g for Vessels Radioamateur or Aircraft registration en Aircraft registration Karel Polt based on Blank_map_europe svg from Wikimedia Commons 2009-04-17 A map displaying the aircraft registration prefixes for countries Prefix Country - CS Portugal - D Germany - C3 Andorra - G United Kingdom - I Italy - EC Spain - EI Ireland - EK Armenia - ER Moldova - ES Estonia - EW Belarus - F France - HA Hungary - HB Switzerland - HB Liechtenstein - LN Norway - LX Luxembourg - LY Lithuania - LZ Bulgaria - OE Austria - OH Finland - OK Czech Republic - OM Slovakia - OO Belgium - OY Denmark - PH Netherlands - RA Russian Federation - SE Sweden - SP Poland - SX Greece - S5 Slovenia - TC Turkey - TF Iceland - T7 San Marino - T9 Bosnia and Herzegovina - UP Kazakhstan - UR Ukraine - YL Latvia - YR Romania - YU Serbia and Montenegro - ZA Albania - Z3 Macedonia - 3A Monaco - 4K Azerbaijan - 4L Georgia - 4O Montenegro - 5B Cyprus - 9A Croatia - 9H Malta - Kosovo Aviation maps |