Keywords: Adel Melb Temps Heatwave 09.png en wikipedia 2012 January 7 Adelaide South Australia and Melbourne Victoria during the 2009 Southeastern Australia heat wave Created by myself using information obtained from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology 2009-2-1 Own <br />Transferred from http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia Nick carson at http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia en wikipedia Nick carson Original upload log page en wikipedia Adel_Melb_Temps_Heatwave_09 png 2009-02-01 11 28 Nick carson 552×437 13137 bytes <nowiki>A graph of the temperature in capital cities Adelaide South Australia and Melbourne Victoria during the 2009 Southeastern Australia heat wave Created by myself using information obtained from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology </nowiki> Climate diagrams of Australia Melbourne Statistics of Adelaide |