Keywords: Achille Befani Formis - The "Koçu" Cart - Google Art Project.jpg oil on canvas 1832 Naples Italy 1832 1906 Milan Italy 1906 Achille Male 613074 Befani Formis Italian 1832 - 1906 /collection/pera-museum/artwork/the-kocu-cart-achille-befani-formis/613075/ Achille Befani Formis /artist/achille-formis/4130502/ 4130502 /collection/pera-museum/ Pera Museum 486058 http //www peramuseum org/ 1/3/2012 12 39 50 PM /collection/pera-museum/artwork/the-kocu-cart-achille-befani-formis/613075/ 1870 Second half of the 19th Century 1000 613075 False 1870 Second half of the 19th Century 3/24/2012 8 01 43 AM PM_GAP_PC 007 http //en peramuzesi org tr/exhibitions/detail_collection_exhibitions aspx SectionID Pts3lFcKUHS 2fgiLKfG8BjA 3d 3d ContentID D2FnIB320FWRuOiWN7Rtow 3d 3d Suna and İnan Kıraç Foundation Collection painting 1870 1880 w700 x h1000 cm Second half of the 19th Century False 0 69921875 Suna and İnan Kıraç Foundation Object the-kocu-cart-achille-befani-formis The Koçu Cart zzz 700 Orientalist Paintings Collection special url_id JgEeSHHHpfVvcA PD-old-100-1923 1906 Google Art Project works by Achille Befani Formis Paintings in the Pera Museum |