Keywords: 1846 Burroughs - Mitchell Map of Mississippi - Geographicus - MS-m-1846.jpg This scarce hand colored map is a lithographic engraving of Mississippi dating to 1846 by the legendary American Mapmaker S A Mitchell the elder This is a rare transitional map produced by the mysterious engraver H N Burroughs whose work for the Mitchell firm appears in 1846 between that of H S Tanner and Mitchell himself Ristow notes Nothing is known about Burroughs but he was undoubtedly an employee or associate of Mitchell His fine and detailed work appears only in the hard to find 1846 edition of the Mitchell ™s Atlas and evinces a more delicate hand than later editions Dated and copyrighted 1846 1846 Size in 14 5 11 5 object history credit line accession number MS-m-1846 Geographicus-source PD-old-100 Maps by Samuel Augustus Mitchell Old maps of Mississippi 1846 maps |