Keywords: 09 Aus heatwave map.PNG Map of the 2009 Southern Australia heat wave affected area Based on the Australia locator map Made by myself in mspaint en wikipedia Ramisses 2009-02-05 Nick carson wikipedia en Nick carson original upload log page en wikipedia 09_Aus_heatwave_map PNG 2009-02-05 11 20 Nick carson 663×600× 44617 bytes <nowiki>Updated extent and added varying degrees of affected area as per the BOM report on the 4th of Feb Another report is to be released by the 10th and this map should be updated after such time to incorporate any changes </nowiki> 2009-02-05 06 43 Nick carson 663×600× 44104 bytes <nowiki>Updated extent of affected area Amendments done by myself in Feb 09 with mspaint </nowiki> 2009-02-01 06 42 Nick carson 663×600× 44198 bytes <nowiki>Map of the 2009 Southern Australia heat wave affected area Based on the Australia locator map Made by myself in mspaint </nowiki> 2009 Southeastern Australia heat wave Maps of weather and climate of Australia Maps of heat events Maps of weather in 2009 02 |